Sunday 14 December 2014

Ideal Christmas presents

First of all I would like to apologise for not posting anything for so long. I have been really busy with catching up with school work after spending a week in bed ill and doing some Christmas shopping. This post has been almost finished for a while and I have been working on adding a few bits and editing it. And on the topic of Christmas shopping, if you didn't go out and buy any presents or even thought about it, it's probably the last minute to do so. But how to buy a gift that the person will like? 

Think how much you are willing to spend on each person. A budget plan can be really helpful in planning gift ideas. It doesn't mean you have to spend equal amounts on everyone, on some you may be able to spend more than on others, plus you are the only person who knows about it. 

Think hard, has the person been talking about wanting something in particular? Or maybe there is something they need?  They have probably dropped some hints on you without you noticing. If you can't think of anything, look through their social media profiles. They may have mentioned something on Facebook, Twitter or maybe created a wishlist somewhere? Maybe Pinterest? If not, you could try your luck talking to people who are close to them as well.

You may need to play detective for a bit but it will be worth it. 

A present should come from the heart. Maybe a touch of something personal? An inside joke? You could make something yourself! It doesn't have to be anything hard, you could buy something really cheap and plain and transform it into something beautiful and personal. 

Buying clothes can be quiet risky, if you buy a size too small, it could make the person feel bad about themselves by making them feel too big. Buying an item too big can also make them feel bad as they could think that you see them as quiet large. So unless you are 100% sure what size they wear, I would probably buy a voucher instead of an item of clothing. 

Finally,please, please, please don't buy pets for anybody unless you know that:

a) They want that particular pet
b) They will be able to care for it

Pets are not toys, if they are not wanted they will be either given away or even worse, abandoned. Do you really want that for a pet? 

Keep in mind that Christmas is a time of year to celebrate with your loved ones. It's not about the expensive presents, it's about showing that you care. You don't have to go overboard and spend a fortune, all you have to do is show that you know that person, that you care and show a little humour. 

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