Monday 12 January 2015

New year, new chances, new beginnings

Hello! I hope you all had a great ending to 2014 and a fabulous beginning of 2015. I can't believe that it's 2015 already, I have read somewhere on the Internet that 2030 is as far away as 2000 and it had me thinking, some of my friends who I have gone to secondary school with are going to turn 18 this year. I swear I still remember my first day in year 7 when I was something like 11/12, majority of us were quiet scared and kept close to friends they had in primary schools and look at us all now! We have all made new friends, chose new schools to go to and are almost adults. The time is literally flying past and I'm not sure how I feel about that. This year I will be turning 17, hopefully doing my driving license which means I will hopefully start driving and it's just... wow. I have been waiting for this for ages and now that it's here, I'm not sure what to do with all this!

Anyway, new year means a chance for new beginning. It is a good time to start doing things you always wanted to do, or possibly stop things you always wanted to stop. I think it is absolutely impossible not to have a new years resolution. It doesn't have to be a literal change in your life. You don't have to change everything and become a completely different person so that nobody can recognise you. That is not the point of this. If you can't think of something you want to change in your life, maybe there was something you always wanted to do or learn, or maybe go somewhere. Also the goals don't have to be anything too complicated, it can be something really simple, as long as it's realistic. Having a goal for a new year will give you something to head for and work towards. I have already set some up for myself and here they are:

1. Firstly, getting healthy and into shape is my priority. I know loads of people set this as their goal and then given up after a month (I was one of them) but this year I am really determined. This year I am not really doing it for anybody else, I am doing it for myself. It will really help with keeping my skin clear and generally help me make myself feel better with well...myself I guess. 

2. I want to save up money this year. Finally this is possible because since about May/June time I have a job, only weekends and school holidays but it's always something, plus I have opened my own bank account. Putting money in a bank account means less temptation to spend it on things I don't actually need or will never actually use. I have set myself a target of saving £300 by August as I am planning on buying a tablet, but if I exceed it, I will be more than happy and will not stop saving until January. Fingers crossed I will actually do it. 

3. This one is regarding the blog itself. I want it to become something you as readers want to read and enjoy. I also want to become more systematic in posting. I will try my hardest to deliver weekly posts every Sunday afternoon, and unless something happens that will stop me, I will try and let you know. But I would really like your opinions on what you think I could add, change and generally your opinion. You can leave it in the comments or you can e-mail me if you prefer to talk to me privately. I promise to get back to you as soon as possible. 

I have not decided on a goal to travel anywhere because I won't have time for this, this year anyway, I will have to see and find something for next year. I have also not planned to learn anything new e.g. a language because I know I will not do it. I have enough revision for my 3 AS subjects and a language would be too much. Plus I have already studied French in school for almost 3 years and did not learn that much, I probably would not be able to do anything in France without looking like a typical tourist with my broken French. Anyway, as you can see a resolution can be really simple but it gives you something to work towards in a new, fantastic year. And trust me, if it is something you wanted for a long time, you will feel absolutely amazing upon achieving it eventually. 

Sunday 4 January 2015

Boxing day dissapointments

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and got what you really wanted. But what comes after Christmas? Boxing day of course! This is the day where supposedly shops have big discounts on clothes and this is also a really busy day where majority of people go out shopping. I was no exception of course. 

We are finally moving house in not even a month and I am finally getting my own room. I have been waiting for this for eight years now, and finally I will have my own space. I hope a new house will mean a bit of a new start. I will finally be able to make it personal and decorate it how I want it. But this also means I want new furniture. We decided that boxing day would be a good opportunity to go look in Ikea as they may have some good deals in there. So on Friday the 26th of December at 8am, me, my younger sister, my parents and my boyfriend got into our little Corsa and set out on a 2 hour journey to go to Ikea. It was one of the most disappointing things I came across. Yes they did have a lot of furniture and some sale going on, but this was not what I saw on their website. An amazing example is a wardrobe which I saw online, it looked quiet good, had 3 doors. When I actually looked at it in the shop it was not much taller than me, the shelves in it were OK but I would not fit much into it either. A small sofa, the quality of it was not breathtaking either. I would probably use it for 3 months before the foam in it started to deform and I would have to change the mattress which costs almost as much as the sofa itself. The only thing I found that caught my eye was like a bookshelf and a desk. 

My mum saw a Next store so of course we went in there as well. Right, here I have a bit of mixed views on this store. I have to give them one huge plus, they did have a lot of stuff on sale. Almost every item in store was on sale. I got a pair of shoes that were 50% off. The store was absolutely packed with people shopping. One minus goes for a staff member. I say a staff member because only one caught my eye in particular. I am not sure whether they have volunteers in the store to help out during this day as it seems there was unusually high number of staff, one of them I believe may have had some mental problems. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against people with mental disability. In fact I am quiet happy for this guy for trying to live a normal life. But he was walking around with a hanger in his mouth, mouth open and really licking it, while a coat was still on it. He was really sweating as well. Is a clothes store really the best place for such a person? He did not particularly give the best impression, especially by licking the hangers. 

2 hours later, me and my boyfriend got dropped off at a shopping centre where we met up with out friend to do some more shopping. Unfortunately I wasn't that well prepared financially this year so my shopping was not, or rather could not, be as big as I may wish it to be. We started off with Primark. My boyfriend wanted some jeans so we started off with the men's section. On the way to the jeans there was some tops and jumpers of course so we had a quick look. Quiet a lot of them were still Christmas jumpers, some normal looking tops and some simple hoodies. Nothing too eye catching. Jeans were not so exciting either. Most looked the same and they didn't really have many 'skinny' types. I'm not sure if people buy so many of them that they ran out or they simply don't stock that many. Anyway, after that we went downstairs to the women's section. Lots of jumpers, I have been given ban on wool jumpers because I have so many apparently, some tops and of course jeans and leggings. I have decided I am not buying leggings from Primark again because I have worn them once and they started to rip and they became really see through after about a week. The jeans were not that bad quality I have to say but they stretch really easily. I don't know if this is the case just for me or others have the same problems? After not being able to find anything for myself and paying for the jeans that we did find, we set out to H&M.

Right, so H&M. I really like this shop as they have some really nice things, but not this time. They had loads of wool jumpers and cardigans, but like I said, I got banned from buying anymore as I already have quiet a lot of them. And apart from them, I really didn't find anything that would stand out from the rest. The sales were really bad as well. As for the women's section, we barley had any. Apparently the men's section didn't have anything either. They left a basket with some stuff in there that was 'on sale' but the rest was normal price. Come on H&M, you can do better. But I did end up getting a really nice bag for £19.99 and a pair of jeans for £7.99. As for the quality of them both, we will have to see. 
My mum and sister went to Matalan and apparently there was barley anything on sales and the fitting rooms were closed. How can you close fitting rooms on a day like this when the shop would be overflowing with customers. I understand the security reasons but how are we, as customers, supposed to buy things such as trousers without trying them on? I don't got to a shop to buy something and then come back the next day to exchange it for another size. 

I can easily conclude that Next had the best sales as basically the whole shop as on sale, with almost everything 50% off. Other shops will have to try a bit more as they could really gain a lot of money from sales on a day like this. And what about you, how did you spend your boxing day? Was is a success or a disappointment? Let me know in the comments.